Innovative Marketing Solutions with Custom Signs

Damso Channel Letter by Edmonton Sign Company, AB

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Whether you are a small business or a large establishment, signage is a key element of your marketing campaign. It is how you are able to communicate with your target customers in Edmonton.

To make sure that your message reaches your audience, you need impactful custom signs. Store-bought signs can work for your business. However, to make a significant mark, a memorable sign is a better choice.

Looking for the best custom signs “near me?” Check out these innovative sign options for your business today.

Make Your Mark with Innovative Custom Signs for Your Business

Custom signage is any type of sign that is made specifically for your business. These usually include branding elements like:

  • Your business colors
  • Your brand theme
  • Your brand logo

Custom office signs set you apart from the competition. They help showcase your brand and tell customers who and what your business is all about.

Impactful Exterior Custom Signs

Outdoor signs are there to attract customers to your business. These help customers locate your space and identify you among the crowd. Make it easy for customers to spot you through these sign options:

  1. Electronic Message Centers : Going digital is one effective way to attract more attention. These let you send out multiple messages to constantly update your customers about your business.
  2. Hanging Signs : This custom signage is a great way to get noticed by people walking by your space. Take it up a notch by using different shapes aside from the usual square or rectangle. Also, lighting up your sign makes it more visible.
  3. Banners : These are popular exterior custom signs with good reason; banners are eye-catching anywhere. Explore different banner options like feather flags. These move with the wind, making it more attractive to motorists or passersby.

Creative Interior Custom Sign Design

Your outdoor signs have gotten customers through your doors. Now it’s time for your indoor signs to create a positive experience for them. Here are some ideas you can explore:

  1. Wall Murals : Murals are a great way to make a significant impression on customers. These custom office signs give you the liberty to design your walls and make a bold statement.
    A photo opportunity wall can create buzz for your business. Customers can take a photo with your wall and upload it on their social media platforms. This can give you free marketing online.
  2. Floor Graphics : Use your floors to create a custom sign for your business. Aside from wayfinding, this is a great space to boost your brand.
  3. LED Signs : Although LED signs are commonly used outdoors, these make for an attractive interior custom sign. These can be used as a lobby sign or a wall sign that sends a message to your customers.

Innovative Custom Signs “Near Me”

Make a mark on your target audience today with a memorable sign solution. Let Mega Signs help deliver high-quality signs that can make your business shine in Edmonton.

We are a full-service custom sign company committed to providing excellent products for our clients. Contact us today for a FREE consultation on your custom sign needs!

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